Madinah International Halal Economic Forum is a yearly event. This event would bring various benefits to the country by increasing the number of Halal Business and Investors. This can also benefit the Vision 2030 in the growth of country’s economy. The Halal business in the world is as big as USD7.2 Trillion and still growing every day. This can promote Investors from countries around the world to invest in the country for Halal related businesses.
This can promte investors from countries around the world to invest in the country for halal related businesses. Which would proportionally, increase the GDP of KSA by several times!
An Extended Event
This will be a multi-event Halal festival, happening for the first time in KSA. The business prospects generated because of this festival will be diversified and can be quantified to an extent of few billions.
Conducting the Madinah International Halal Economic Forum, can bring various laurels & accolades around the world and people inside the country would appreciate the importance & efforts taken by the Government to improve Health Care, Modest Fashion , Food, Cosmetics and other Halal Industries furthermore job opportunities & infrastructure.
To Develop & Promote Medinah City as an Integrated Trade & Investment Hub for GCC & 57 OIC Countries; The Business People, Traders, Manufacturers, Entrepreneurs and Industrialists from Around the World will meet, discuss & develop their business and sign MOU’s / JVs in the city of Medinah.
To Promote Prophetic Medicine Center & Clinic with Spiritual experience; pilgrims coming from around the world to perform Hajj/Umrah will have a new & unique experience of prophetic Medicine centers such as Hijama, Sunnah Food, and Prophetic medical treatment. This will bring more Medical Tourism to the Holy City of Madinah and KSA.